Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Regata of Choice

We took the kiddos down to the park near Julie's and raced our boats on a deliciously hot Saturday in July. Before the event, Julie cut out and glued each boat for the children (and the children at heart) and then we painted and decorated to our hearts content. Then on the dedicated day, we headed out to race our boats in our very own regata! The kids had a blast casting boats into the stream and then catching them before they went under the bridge of no return. Sadly, Joshua's boat did go under that bridge never to be seen again despite the dedicated prodding with large sticks which did unearth a long-dead bird, about a ton of garbage and someone's primary lesson attached to popsicle sticks. And a good time was had by all.


Julie said...

so fun! love the boat :)

Dave said...

Very Cool! It makes me miss wading in the stream by my grandma's house. The stream behind our apartment has been dry for months now. We really need some rain.

Melissa said...

Sounds so fun. We have a stream in the park not so far from here. thanks for the idea!