Monday, November 17, 2008

A Little Angry, So Be Careful!

I know that some people have very strong political opinions. I am not against this. I think you should have strong opinions, political and otherwise. My problem is when those opinions destroy the innocence of children. There are parents out there who are not being careful about what they tell their children, or what they allow them to overhear. I live in a very republican state and there are, naturally, people who are not happy about Obama being elected president. But the disturbing fears coming out in their children is almost intolerable! My 7-year-old came to me in tears saying that she's so afraid now that Obama is going to be president because he will sell us all to Japan, and he sucks the brains out of new babies still in their mommy's tummy. Graphic enough for you? So, somebody has been discussing foreign policy and partial birth abortion, in detail, with (or within hearing of) their 6-7 year old child. That child has been discussing a very distorted view of what they heard with my child. Now I have the happy job of trying to explain away a VERY disturbing image in her head. No matter how I do it, she has lost a part of her innocence, part of her joy in childhood and part of her belief in the goodness of people in general. Eventually, she will have to deal with the harsh parts of life but not yet. She's still little. Please, be careful what you talk about around these little ones. They can hear but they can't always understand.


Krystal said...

Wow Andrea. I totally agree. There is a lot of things that people need to keep private and away from their children. Poor little Erica! I wish you luck in helping her erase that horrible misunderstanding! That is a pretty terrifying idea.

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow! I will be thinking of you! Leah and I would like to get together for lunch. We'll be in touch!

amanda lynn said...

I am sorry that really sucks that some parents don't understand this concept and let them here whatever I hope she will be okay!

Paul said...

oooooh, track 'em down and give 'em hell!!!!!!!!!

Leisha Mareth said...

Here, here! I so agree. Our neighbor children were telling my kids that Obama believed in letting little children be tortured. Lovely.

Michaelangelo said...

Oh I hate it when people talk about "grown-up" things in front of my kids. My kids may be 2 and 3 years old, but they hear everything and I always get questions afterword. Plus they have fantastic memories and weeks after an incident they can start talking about it again. I was so mad the other day because we were listening to the radio in the car (KOSY Christmas music 'cuz it makes my kids happy) and a commercial came on that was talking all about sex. I hit the off button after I heard the word twice (about a second into the commercial), and luckily my kids didn't pay attention to it, but I felt like calling up the radio station that is supposed to be family friendly and chewing them out. Poor little innocent children.